another way to (re)purpose our packaging...

another way to (re)purpose our packaging...

Posted by Fia Skye on


Thanks to a conversation with a local small business here on the Cape, Edible Landscapes, we are now practicing the art of sheet mulching. 

Always on the lookout for more sustainable ways to live, we're currently in the midst of (re)designing our studio & home - doing much of the work ourselves - & realized this is a fabulous way to (re)use the boxes we send to you (as well as the backings for the prints!)... that helps the environment even more than recycling. 

Sheet mulching. Many of you are probably way ahead of us on this one - but in case you're not, here's a bit of info to pique your interest. 

Quite a few folks in water sensitive areas have been using this technique to turn lawns into drought tolerant gardens. We find it's also a chemical free way to save time pulling weeds in garden & flower beds.

You put the cardboard directly over the area you'd like to reform. Even directly over grass... Wet the cardboard slightly, and then put 2-5" of compost and/or mulch overtop of it. 

If you'd like to plant something within the area, you can cut a hole in the cardboard for the plant or depending on what you're planting, it can be seeded directly into the compost/mulch itself. The cardboard will break down over time & enrich the soil.

Side note: We have several old leggy bushes we wanted to dig out & there are several random little stumps in the yard where previous owners lopped off something or other but little suckers continue to pop up through the soil... Instead of digging out the roots, Dave suggested cutting as low as possible to the ground, then sheet mulching over the cutting. He tells us this will deter the suckers in the future. 

We've started saving all of the non-waxed boxes that we get in the mail - tearing off the tape & cutting them up. Good news for you is that the tape we use on our boxes here at Flying Edna does NOT need to be pulled off!! It can go directly into the ground to be composted - you just need to pull off the mailing sticker on the box.

The backings we use for all our prints are also perfect material for sheet mulching. They are pH neutral & made from 100% recycled fiber, 90% of which is PCW materials. If you're looking to fill in little areas, this can work!

If you'd like to learn more about sheet mulching, it's a hot topic right now & can probably find an article in a local or national newspaper, or do a search online - but we encourage you to start up a conversation with your local garden supply company(s) - they will also be able to let you know the best sources for mulch/compost in your area. 

always in motion,


see gardening stories...

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