fia skye

née Wendy Saver/Mortimer
For over 20 years, my approach to story was through theatre. The congruity of language, body, and voice. As a professor, performer, and coach, it was my job to teach vocal production / text analysis / acting and diagnose why a moment in the storytelling wasn’t communicating to an audience. My focus was on how to partner, how to speak with clarity and conviction, how to align so deeply with another’s set of life circumstances that you willingly widen your own opinions and feelings in service of making space for someone else’s story.
Interested in a more integrated and intentional life, in 2016 I chose to leave my teaching position in order to explore these large ideas off the stage and in daily living. In pursuit of this lifelong inquiry, I have since certified in the Alexander Technique and now work alongside my husband, Kai, as we write, design, & handcraft everything here at Flying Edna.
I am a member of Actor's Equity Association (AEA), Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA), Alexander Technique International (ATI). My MFA is in acting from the University of Washington's Professional Actor Training Program under the leadership of Steve Pearson. My writing can be found in past journals of VASTA and ATI. Because the lineage of teachers matters, my mentorship via Alexander Technique is with Cathy Madden.
And for those who want even more specific info: I've served on theatre faculties of Marymount Manhattan, University of Connecticut, Wesleyan University & Ball State University (where I was tenured); published articles on cross-culture storytelling, beginner's mind, and balancing analytical with kinesthetic learning principles; traveled three times to teach & direct in the Gauteng Province in South Africa; and performed and coached in regional theatres across the country.