shining threads notebook + cover
completely calm notebook + cover
clear explanation notebook + cover
sense of direction notebook + cover
dress up box notebook + cover
exquisite small touches notebook + cover
daughter of tall grasses notebook + cover
simple truth notebook + cover
this exact moment notebook + cover
wild space notebook + cover
sale speed of now storyblock
Sold Out
sale made up holiday: gluten remembrance day linocut storyblock
sale made up holiday: eve of deliciousness linocut storyblock
sale made up holiday: fish for compliments linocut storyblock
sale made up holiday: universal day of wonder linocut storyblock
original man sketch #13
original woman sketch #11
weekly pen & ink: 'stepping gently'
weekly pen & ink: 'life stretches'
weekly pen & ink: 'perfect sort of day'
weekly pen & ink: 'all my heart'
weekly pen & ink: 'attention'
weekly pen & ink: 'back to living'
weekly pen & ink: 'best advice'
weekly pen & ink: 'channel issues'
weekly pen & ink: 'dream self'
weekly pen & ink: 'explanations'
weekly pen & ink: 'festive'
weekly pen & ink: 'future hope'
weekly pen & ink: 'interesting life'
weekly pen & ink: 'late night (remix)'
weekly pen & ink: 'long stretch'
weekly pen & ink: 'metaphor for flight'
weekly pen & ink: 'mountain mover'
weekly pen & ink: 'name drop'
weekly pen & ink: 'no surprises'